Monday, July 4, 2011

Proud to Be Americans

Happy 4th of July!!!

Celebrating our country's Independence Day in another country just isn't the same- No parades, no family, and no fireworks. But we still managed to show our American pride here in Costa Rica. We wore matching Old Navy flag shirts, listened to patriotic music, and had a "Kiddie Kandid" photo shoot in our room before school.. We even convinced our teacher to let us have a 4th of July "BBQ" at the first of class- It was a BYOAF (Bring your own American food). The "BBQ" was a definite success and was even topped off with fireworks..... Drawn on the whiteboard. Desperate times call for desperate measures. However, considering the circumstances it was a very happy 4th of July and we hope your's was too! We are so blessed to live in a free country where dreams can become realities.

The "BBQ"

We love America!

Happy Independence Day!

Lez 'n Helz

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