Thursday, July 7, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Well we've been having a few technical difficulties here in Costa Rica. Once upon a time we found out we had internet access in our house even though our Tica Mama said we didn't. It was a great find and made blogging very convenient. Now we are unable to connect to the internet for reasons far beyond our comprehension making blogging much more difficult. We are sorry for the lack of updates (Grandmother) but we hope to get back on the band wagon next week after we return from our excursion to Guanacaste. Be excited for good pictures and hopefully a few good stories. All is well here in Costa Rica- Only a week left, we can't believe it! Thanks for following us- More to come next week!

Oh and we'd like to give a shout out to our good friend (Best Friend) London- She turned 20 yesterday! Happy Birthday Len! We love and miss you!!!

Lez 'n Helz

1 comment:

  1. Since you don't have Internet, you can't see Facebook, so I'll inform you: Your cousin, Amanda, had her baby Friday night. Mason LaMont Peterson. Mason Lamont Peterson was born the evening of July 8th 2011. 8 lbs 13 oz. He's beautiful. I'd post a pic of him but I don't know how.
